Saturday, October 2

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 

Albert Einstein


JillDine said...

this man speaks the truth

Max Steel said...

Or anything old

MagerFromTha619 said...

I can relate to that shit, nice quote.

Kevorkian said...

sooo true.

Archivist X0042 said...

albert was a crackhead of his own time/

Adrien said...

It's been too long since Einstein.

The world needs a Zweistein ;)

Naj said...

ahh.. so true. so true.

Anonymous said...

einstein was a great man indeed

thecatzpajamas said...

mistakes are great

MikeNeuman said...

So very very true.

Killian said...

As hikikomori, that quote applies to me like unemployed people apply to jobs. Not sure if that makes sense but that is the wittiest thing I can think of right now, don't judge me!

Acou said...

yeah, you learn the most from your mistakes also.. so you could say yo learn the most when you begin to try something new out

iMonei said...

good stuff here :)

SC2 Strats said...

I completely agree.

Nailgun said...

Good ol Al, always a source of inspiration

remzi said...


Waldo09 said...

albert was a genious! haha
its os crazy he couldnt even talk till he was like 5 or 6 though.

Austin Da Silveira said...

very true

kokojesta said...

lol, i think youve cracked onto something there, i should get out of this chair and leave the house

fat daddy said...

that's why pencils have erasers.

Shane said...

except never trying anything new IS a mistake. take that Einstein.

yuyiuyi said...

True story. :P

Hidden Blogger said...

An interesting take!

Archivist X0042 said...

albert was a crackhead

Jack Frost said...

Good quote :)

iMonei said...

deep bro deep

Author said...

yep, can't learn unless you make mistakes

jeanjean said...

true story !