People who suffer from road rage often see it as a way venting or releasing their anger. They see it as cathartic but thats only in the short term. In reality anger is like anything you repeatedly do, it can become a habit. Therefore becoming excessively angry on the road is only making it easier to become more angry in the future, you are just encouraging more stress not releasing it.
I don't havea car, and I don't miss it :D
i hate road rage people
i hate everyone while i'm driving.
as driver i've my rules:
1- passing me means that u wanna die
2- scooter in the middle of the street going slow means he wanna die
3- walking in the street thinking i'll stop means u're already dead
4- clacsoning me means i'll instant break
U should never be in one f this 4 rules or else u're going to die
haha i agree with razor ^.
Nice post
There are bite marks on my steering wheel... but it doesn't have anything to do with road rage.
if one person drives worse then you do, it may make you angry, the anger easily translates to road rage
Hate them! :\
haha, I can absolutely relate to people who rage having to spend hours of my day driving for work.
they should rather stay cool and focus on their own driving instead-.-
road rage can kill!
Hah, I have to agree (somewhat) with razortek. I have certain personal rules that other drivers HAVE to follow, and if they don't they get schooled, lol, especially if I'm going over the speed limit in the fast lane and some joker's trying to pass me in the slow lane. Pisses me off. ;D
I've never had road rage but damn if I don't get close when I drive to New Jersey. Those drivers are crazy!
I'm very calm and laid back on the road as well as in general. Road rage just isn't one I understand.
some people ted to get irrational and ovverreact while driving. we should all beware of them
I don't have a license, and I rarely get angry, so I guess I wouldn't be too much of an angry driver.
Road rage is more common in american because of internal attribution ;O psyc stuff xD
I love being the passenger and being really angry at other cars. Especially when your driver isn't.. It a really good way to pass time on long journeys :p
i listen to sooting music when i drive
I drive defensively.
When I'm driving I'm the best driver! Everyone else just need to disappear.
people should just chill out, beer chills me out. they should perscribe beer for all drivers.
Indeed, the Colbert Report is pretty sweet. :)
indeed it is :)
Thats true! I agree with you. Annoying...
lol, soon I will get a car
This makes me mad just thinking about it. I want to be Mad Max when I grow up.
I don't usaully drive and when i do i'm worse than old asians
any of you experienced that?
>In reality anger is like anything you repeatedly do, it can become a habit.
I love you.
True words bro.
thanks for letting us know
It's going to be freaking amazing...I've heard that there are going to be anywhere from 90-200,000 people there. I'm going to be taking a shitload of photos and the like, as well as just sightseeing.
I drive slow and relaxed. What is there to be mad about... enjoy the ride :D
i dont get road rage, im awsome.
I understand road rage ppl.
My pops has road rage -__-
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