Monday, November 8

Waitin' on Google

In a week or two I should be getting my first check from Google! If all goes according to plan it should be to the tune of almost $200. Though they sure do have a sneaky way of waiting as long as possible before they actually pay you.


Anonymous said...

apparently they only give you half of what you make...

Willow said...

They take out 32% For some odd reason lol.

Gurney said...


fat daddy said...

If you look at the my account tab on your adsense reports it will show at the bottom that you get 68% of revenues. That's 68% of what the advertiser pays. Google keeps the other 32%.

Astra said...

you get only 68% of that 200$

Fumfumfum said...

To be honest, I've heard so many people complaining about Adsense I might just jump ship and use Bidvertizer.. taking 32% is just a joke.

SC2 Strats said...

hopefully me too!

Unknown said...

haha very nice :p

Cody said...

wow, lucky you!
I don't think I'm able to qualify for a while still :(

Suciô Sanchez said...

Isn't this a bit like complaining that the Nigerian finance minister is slow to send you the money?

nick said...

well good luck with that

Saliva said...


iMonei said...

thats great! grats

. said...

good luck mate:)

miecak said...

Good luck :D

Aaron said...

Yeah I'm heading toward my first payment as well, and wondering if it will actually happen. said...

dam google taking money

Anonymous said...

"They have a sneaky way of waiting to pay you."

Ain't that always the case...

fat daddy said...

I'm having good luck with bidvertiser on my pages. The referral payout is nice too. Not trying to spam your comments, but there's a link at the top of each of my blogs if you're interested.

kokojesta said...

hmm yes, i hope all goes well for you ^^

Voacaroo said...

Nice! Congratulations

Archivist X0042 said...

nice, cant wait too see you with cash in hand

Flippy said...

such a gloater >_< rawr

Synthetic Soiree said...

...because Google doesn't already have all the money in the world. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Great news

Cacti said...

Wow, that's a nice chunk of cash.

Daniel P. said...

Congrats on your success!

TravisTouchdown said...

you should have just done direct deposit! it's so much faster, but i had no idea they take out 32%?!

kushman said...

It sucks that they take so long to pay out, I'm worried about it myself. I think I'm going to switch to bidvertiser